Monday, March 23, 2009

Sweet things

I don't think that extra-creamy milk chocolate bar (on sale at the dollar store, but the expiration date was still good) is helping my Weight Watcher's points total today, but since I'm not counting points -- why worry?  Can't quite bring myself to jot down everything I eat and  I keep thinking about the Captain Crunch (Regular, of course, not Peanut Butter or Crunch Berry) that's on sale at Pathmark this week.  It's the one cereal that doesn't sog quite so fast, and that crunch really means a lot to me.  I thought I was going to grow out of liking this stuff.  When?  I frankly can't imagine life without bubble gum of Nestle's (mini) $100,000 bars (lower in fat, by the way.  "Lower in fat" than what?  Pure fat, probably).    Staggering over to Curves now.