Thursday, February 25, 2010

Analysis should be between a doctor and patient. ONLY.

My heart is pounding as I watch the health care summit. Hey, I'm on the side of the President, and on the side of most of the Democrats. I'll state that straight-up. But what I can't stand is the fact that after opening statements from President Obama and the rude, condescending, lying sacks-of-shit statements from the other side (starting with the disgustingly disrespectful Mitch McConnell and going on from there) what I can't stand the most is the coverage. On both CNN and MSNBC (and I'm a fan of MSNBC, mostly because of Rachel Maddow who is brilliant, funny, and fair; secondarily because I've been a guest on "Hardball" and other MSNBC shows and have always been treated respectfully; and third, because "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" had one of Keith's commentaries last night about his father and his health care that was so staggering that I had to turn it off and cry, thinking of my own sweet father who's death still hurts me deeply)

That was a run-on AND incomplete sentence. I apologize. What bugs me is both networks decided to cut away from the actual meeting and go to ANALYSIS after about fifty fucking minutes. To "discuss" what was just said. After barely an HOUR. "Is it partisan? Who's winning? How's it going?" Somewhere along the line the networks think that we, the viewers, are "fucking retards," to borrow from the disgusting Rahm Emmanuel, not disgusting because it "offended" Sarah Palin, but because Rahm was talking about progressive Democrats. Nice, Rahm.

Anyway, the networks think their viewers are stupid, and don't know what to think about anything. And they are bound and determined to do the thinking for us. And what's scary is that even MSNBC seems to be "spinning" to make this some sort of GOP smackdown, even though, as I write this, Eric Cantor is lying through his teeth about points he's actually agreed to in the past. And every time that the President corrects a lie, or a Democrat says that the Republican issues have been adopted in their bill, the GOP keeps lying and saying that's not true.

Please stop with the analysis. Let us watch, and decide, for ourselves. Who needs Armstrong Williams to comment about ANYTHING, EVER, since he was a paid hack for George W. Bush's "No Child Left Behind" bullshit? Why does he deserve any face time at all?

More on this later. These sons of bitches, and I do mean the entire GOP, are breathtaking in their lies and faux "concerns" for the American people. And it is absolutely obvious that they cannot bear that a brilliant black man is leading this country. Tough shit for them.