Monday, May 12, 2008

Talk To Your Doctor

This is my first blog, so please, when you speak of  

It may make sense, or not.  Bear with me.  And I'll set it up so you can respond if you want.   (Wait.  Who am I kidding?)  
I mean I'll have my friend Kris set it up.  I don't know how to do jack.
Okay.  So the more I watch Campaign '08 on cable news (network news is practically useless, sorry), the more I read,  the more I listen (to talk radio and, at the urging of a smart but sometimes annoying friend that means listening to "both sides"), the sicker I get.    (This includes headaches, heart palpitations, grinding and/or gnashing of teeth,  irritable bowels, non-menopausal hot flashes,  and wanting to punch the Clinton's, Terry McCaulliffe, Howard Wolfson, and Maya Angelou's lights out.)

I'm excited and proud to support Barack Obama.  He's a breath of fresh air.
And, though I've supported them in the past, I'm appalled at the unsportsmanlike conduct of Bill and Hillary Clinton.  They are like being stuck in traffic behind a bus belching thick smoke.
(By the way -- how ridiculous are those spots with Montel Williams and that nationwide drug bus that's traveling all over the U.S.A. handing out free and almost-free drugs to everybody who needs them?   "Because the America's pharmaceutical reasearch companies want to help," sez Montel, in his I-really-care-about-you voice.  Why don't I believe you, Montel?) 

More later.



Nancy Giles said...

Wow. This is really weird.

Anonymous said...

Finally. I mean, what did a sistah have to do to get you to blog? :- ) Keep doing this. DO. NOT. STOP.

I join you in your malady. It's like a new syndrome or something. Campaign neuralgia. Far worse than campaign fatigue.

pastorfred said...

Weird? Maybe. But very cool. I'm so glad to see you are blogging. I love to hear from you in every medium. Your comments are among the most intelligent and helpful in popular culture today.

Nooneinparticular said...

Having seen today's political events, I must share this observation.
(This will not be true a year and a half from now, when the honeymoon is over. BUT,)
I'm thinking that Americans will soon be asking themselves why they waited so #@$% long
to elect a black man president.
As in, "Damn! We coulda done this 140 years ago, when it was Reconstruction!"


CaCOYOTE, Las Vegas said...

Great to hear from you again. I have missed you on "Sunday Morning" though I need not have worried. I've spotted (?) your voice ALL OVER the TV on various voice overs. Great job! Good luck with the blog.